Thursday, April 30, 2015

Weekly Blog - 05/01/15

Context: I was gathering data for my project when I was surprised
Surprise: I was surprised when I found out you can actually use water to spin the electric generator.
Why: This is surprising to me because I never thought that water could possibly be used in generating electricity
Learn: This tells me that there could be many ways to find an alternative to electric generators (anything in general) that I couldn't have thought of possible

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Weekly Blog | 04/17/15

Context: I was surprised when I was sitting and listening in class.
Surprise: I was surprised when I found out how challenging the CST sounds.
Why: This is surprising because I need to get a good grade on the CST. 
Tells: This tells me that I should prepare more by playing zondle.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Weekly Blog - 04/03/15

Context: I was building my electrical invention when I was surprised.
Surprise: I was surprised when I found out how hard it is to make an electrical invention
Why: This is surprising because I did not think of making my own electrical invention hard.
Tells: This tells me that should be prepared next time when there is a project.