Friday, February 27, 2015

Weekly Blog 02/27

Context: I was on my computer, studying about the rocks in science class when I had the surprise.
What: The surprise was that I found out there were many ways to identify a mineral.
Why: It was surprising because I thought you can only know it is a mineral by its looks
Tells: It tells me I should study into more in something before I make a conclusion

This week, I learned about how to identify a rock. I also learned about some words related to identifying a rock such as: Streak, Luster, Structure, etc.

Backward Looking: How much did you know about the topic before we started? What do you now know about the topic that you did not know before? I knew that minerals were really expensive to buy and I thought that every mineral had to have a shiny texture. I now know that minerals do not need a shiny texture to be one.

Inward Looking:  How do you feel about your work this week? What parts of it do you particularly like? Dislike? Why? I feel about good about my work this week. I particularly like doing the Mastermind game and sheet because I feel like being a scientist discovering minerals. I dislike the huge amount of minerals having do be identified- I like and dislike the mastermind .

Outward Looking: If you were the teacher, what comments would you make about your work this week? I would say I did a good job doing part of the sheet, though I did not finish identifying the minerals. I also would say my notes were quite good. Last, I would say that I did another good job on the other sheets of the rocks. 

Forward Looking: What would you change if you had a chance to redo the work over again? If I could redo the work again, I would continue on identifying the minerals. I would redo this because I did not get a chance to identify all the minerals. I would also redo this because I want to know all the minerals in this game.

Friday, February 13, 2015