Wednesday, September 24, 2014

09/26 "Organelle Traill".

One thing I learned about organelles was that they are all in one cell. I thought organelles were kinds of cells when I first heard of them. Question: In what ways do you think you can improve? Well there is two ways I can improve. One way I can can improve is the way I identify the location of each organelle. Another way I can improve is what understanding the concept of organelles, I understand organelles, but I am just wondering if there are more organelles or if they have more functions.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

09/19 "The Cell".

What I learned this week was about cells. I also learned what happens inside a cell every second we live. Question 1 on SchoolLoop:  How much did you know about the topic before we started? Well, before we started studying cells, I knew a few information about cells, from BrainPop at least. I always knew cells had to do with living and the concepts of natural development.  What do you now know about the topic that you did not know before? What I know about cells after going over the topic were that cells are that things are working in the cells, and something that surprised me was the motor protein

    Friday, September 12, 2014

    3 2 1

    I learned the scientific method in science.
    I am confused about the groups of variables
    I am confident about the definition of a hypothesis
    One thing you can help me with is experimenting and measuring things.

    Wednesday, September 10, 2014

    A Letter To The School Board

    Science Class class should not disappear because science class helps in many ways. It lets us experiment  what science has for us. Also, it explains why life is what it is right now.

    Science crosses all subjects, Science gives tech skills, and The world depends on science. Why?

    First of all, Science crosses all subjects because science helps develop products and also, science helps make medicines, vaccines, cures, prescribed (good) drugs, and many other chemicals. Next, Science gives us Tech skills because Machines are used by science, and science also activates machines, electronics, and devices anywhere. Last, the world depends on science because science explains the habitat/behavior of animals and other creatures

    Counter Claims:
    All science information is found on online science websites and is discovered already.

    It is indeed true, yet other subjects such as Math, Computer Science, ELA, and History are also found online and discovered. Why is science the one that is being removed? Other subjects have been discovered as well.

    This is why science should not disappear for these and many more reasons.

    Friday, September 5, 2014


    3 things I like about adventure:

    I like the Cafeteria food because it is good
    I like the fact that I have different classes in adventure
    I like that there is a gym in adventure

    1 thing I learned in science:

    One thing I learned in science is that science is about observing, researching, experimenting, and then gathering the facts. At first I thought science was very difficult, but now, it seems clear about the definition and process of it. The definition and process of science is clear to me now.